Multiplayer Characters:
- Marcus
- Dom
- Cole
- Baird
- Hoffman
- B. Carmine
- Drone
- Sniper
- Grenadier
- Grenadier Elite
- Theron Guard
- Theron Sentinel
- Hammerhead
- Cyclops
Unlock the "Insane" difficulty level by completing the game. Progress through Gears 2 to unlock additional characters for multiplayer, including:
Ben Carmine, Dizzy Wallin, Tai Kaliso, Flame Grenadier, Kantus and Skorge need to be unlocked.
Unlock General Raam by beating Gears 1 campaign (Defeat RAAM).
Unlock Anthony Carmine from beating Act I in Gears 1.
Unlock Minh Young Kim by getting 10 COG tags in Gears 1.
NOTE: Players' Achievements in Gears 1 will unlock content in Gears 2, but they won't automatically give you Achievements in Gears 2. This content is truly exclusive and you're not going to unlock it any other way.
Multiplayer Maps:
- Avalanche
- Blood Drive
- Day One
- Hail
- Jacinto
- Pavillion
- River
- Ruins
- Security
- Stasis
Downloadable via DLC on Xbox Live:
- Gridlock Remake
- Canals Remake
- Mansion Remake
- Subway Remake
- Tyro Station Remake
New games receive a code to download these maps on day 1. November 7, 2008.
Gears of War 2 Achievements:
Green as Grass Train the rook (any difficulty) 10
It's a Trap! Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 2 10
Escort Service Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 4 10
Girl About Town Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 6 10
That Sinking Feeling Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 4 10
Freebaird! Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 5 10
Heartbroken Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 6 10
Longitude and Attitude Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 3 10
Tanks for the Memories Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 4 10
Water Sports Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 6 10
There's a Time for Us Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 2 10
Better Wrapped in Beacon Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 3 10
Have Fun Storming the Castle Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 6 10
And the Horse You Rode in On Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 1 10
You Are the Support, Son Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 2 10
Brumak Rodeo Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 4 10
Does This Look Infected to You? Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 5 10
Tourist of Duty Complete all campaign acts on Casual Difficulty 25
Guerilla Tactician Complete all campaign acts on Normal Difficulty 50
Artist of War Complete all campaign acts on Hardcore Difficulty 75
Suicide Missionary Complete all campaign acts on Insane Difficulty 150
Collector Recover 5 collectibles (any difficulty) 5
Pack Rat Recover 20 collectibles (any difficulty) 15
Completionist Recover all 41 collectibles (any difficulty) 30
One-Night Stand Complete 1 chapter in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom) 10
Open Relationship Complete 10 chapters in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom) 30
Friends with Benefits Complete all acts in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom) 50
Once More, With Feeling Perform 30 perfect active reloads (any mode) 10
Takes a Licking Melee 30 Tickers (any mode) 30
Organ Grinder Kill 30 enemies with a cover mounted Mulcher (any mode) 10
Shock and Awe Kill 30 enemies with the heavy Mortar (any mode) 10
Said the Spider to the Fly Kill 10 enemies with a planted grenade (any mode) 10
Crowd Control Melee 10 enemies down with the Boomshield equipped (any mode) 10
Smells Like Victory Kill 30 enemies with the Scorcher Flamethrower (any mode) 10
Variety Is the Spice of Death Kill an enemy with every weapon in the game (any mode) 30
Seriously 2.0 Kill 100,000 enemies (any mode) 50
Standing Here, Beside Myself Win 3 matches of Wingman (public) 10
Beat the Meatflag Capture 10 meatflags in Submission (public) 10
It's Good to be the King Win 10 rounds of Guardian as the leader (public) 10
You Go Ahead, I'll Be Fine Win three matches of King of the Hill (public) 10
Back to Basic Successfully complete the 5 lessons of multiplayer Training Grounds 10
Party Like It's 1999 Play 1999 rounds of multiplayer (any mode) 30
Around the World, Again Win a multiplayer match on each map (any mode) 30
Dirty, Dirty Horde Survive the first 10 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any map) 20
Hoard the Horde Survive all 50 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any map) 30
More pictures here.
Click here for the ART ViDOC from EPIC.
Keep your eyes on this thread.
Finally, Gears of War 2 goes Gold today. That means the final copy of Gears 2 is prepared and ready to be copied to all games for retail discs.
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