
The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI Book Review - Ray Kurzweil

Who do we listen to when it comes to an important subject? 

    It turns out that we listen to the people who get the predictions right. And in this case, it's Ray Kurzweil. 

In, "The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI," Ray Kurzweil is successfully bringing us into a very close prediction on when Artificial General Intelligence and futuristic advanced technologies are going to be filling the landscape. 

    There are many people who will say that this is one of the most important books on Artificial Intelligence, and I can say that the information that you can find in this book is very important. I was surprised that about one third of the book talks about a lot of things that are around and related to AI, but not actually AI. For me, with all of the explanations, it ends up being that you're going to be interested in some of these technology related topics, and you're not going to be interested in others. And when you're not interested, it's really difficult to stay in the book, and pay attention. 

    You want to delve into the content of the book, but it ends up that Ray Kurzweil wants to paint a picture of the future of AI reaching the Singularity. Which makes it believable, and it makes you trust him as an authority on the subject. But if you're someone who is really into AI, and especially if you have been studying it for a long time due to the wealth of information that is coming out every day, and even accessing frontier AI models on a daily basis, I'm not necessarily happy with the approach that this book took when I consumed it with an endless hunger of a AI scientist.

Let's dive into the chapters: 

 Chapter 1: Where Are We in the Six Stages? - In his 1999 Book, Kurzweil predicted that the Turing test would be passed by 2029. 

 Chapter 2: Reinventing Intelligence - Essentially you are brought up to speed and familiarized with digital intelligence. 

 Chapter 3: Who Am I? - Why is Ray Kurzweil, Ray Kurzweil. Kurzweil talks about consciousness. What allows a person to be that person and how they end up thinking the way they think. Somewhat interesting and good philosophical probing. Sprinkle in some how it is hard for a AI to do things that a human does. 

 Chapter 4: Life Is Getting Exponentially Better - We tend to think that the world and the United States is getting worse, but the world is actually getting better every day by a fraction of a percent. If it's not exciting, we don't hear about it. At the end of the day, I think that we care about where we live and how our quality of life is. 

 Chapter 5: The Future of Jobs... - Kurzweil believes that we will head towards abundance because of the increase of compute power and other important things that will increase not just linearly, but at an exponential rate. It's a convincing story and reassures someone who hasn't been reassured about technology for a long time. 

 Chapter 6: The Next 30 Years in Health... - Combining AI with Nanotechnology and how we will have the answer to replicating and extending our life and all of that gets talk about in the book. There admittedly is some extremely interesting things talked about. 

 Chapter 7: Peril - What people really want to hear? AI will end the world? Global warming will end us? Is this just what we expect to hear? I was actually surprised to see the book end on these notes. Heightened peril from real threats that we must deal with. Heavy stuff.

    The book talks about the ways that The Singularity in "The Final Years" will bring rapidly increasing human prosperity.

    In the end, Kurzweil believes that we will create powerful new tools and defenses that will keep us safe from the ever increasing cybersecurity and weapon threats. He is right. The man has predicted, is predicting, and will predict correctly. 

Recommend: Yes or No?

    It's really hard for me to actually recommend this book to a Information Technology Professional such as myself, but it just might be a book that you can't afford not to read. 

The Book:
The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI by Ray Kurzweil https://www.amazon.com/Singularity-Nearer-Ray-Kurzweil-ebook/dp/B08Y6FYJVY

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